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The CAMILLE Project:

  • explore, examine, and describe existing measures, programmes or initiatives in different organisations across Europe, focusing on promoting healthy behavior in children and adolescents of mentally ill parents;
  • develop a new pan-European training course to upgrade the skills of the professionals working with the families of mentally ill parents;
  • pilot the developed training course;
  • assess end evaluate the piloted training course in order to adjust and thereby strengthen its potential to be a future valuable tool to use across Europe.

Dissemination throughout the project includes writing articles on the project to be published in national and international journals, developing a website, facebook group and Youtube pages for the project. The training and project results will be disseminated in a European conference for a large audience. The primary beneficiaries for the training programme are thousands of European children and adolescents living with a mentally ill parent

Last updated: 01.07.2013

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