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The main output of the project will be the training programme for health professionals working with families of mentally ill parents. The main aims of the course will be the following:

  • to improve the intra- and inter-professional and cross-sectional cooperation both within the different countries and between the different countries to gain knowledge and improve practice through increased and improved pan-European cooperation;
  • to strengthen and qualify the participants’ competences to enter into the process with the whole family, when the first signs of worry for the well-being of the child and its family are registered, and there is a need to talk about or act on the well-being of the child or adolescent;
  • to strengthen the participants’ ability to trace and solve problems before they grow;
  • to improve the childcare professionals’ competences to deal with all families with a mentally ill parent present in the population, whatever the ethnic background of the family. The training course will contain an optional module focusing on working with children and families belonging to ethnic minorities in the society that in most countries is a vulnerable and growing part of the population, e.g. refugees families where a parent is suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Last updated: 01.07.2013

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